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News bulletin: 10 Sep 2020
News bulletin: 10 Sep 2020
Lauren D'Mello-Guyett avatar
Written by Lauren D'Mello-Guyett
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the tenth issue of the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub News Bulletin. This week, we are gathering case studies showcasing unique examples of programme and advocacy initiatives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These case studies are shared so that others can learn from what is working and to help identify common challenges in COVID-19 response. In the lead up to Global Handwashing Day we are particularly interested to develop case studies which describe unique approaches to promoting hand hygiene. Would you be willing to share your experience with a case study?

If you are interested in taking part please contact Case studies that we have already collected, can be found here.

And as usual, if you would like to share your project or have a question for the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub, we encourage you to contact us at

Areas of Technical Support

This past week, common enquiries included:

  • What advice is there for developing COVID-19 communication materials?

Read our top tips on designing communication materials here.

  • How can we effectively measure COVID-19 preventative behaviours?

Read this guide on adapting project outcome measures for COVID19 interventions.

  • How should our organisations go about designing COVID-19 prevention programmes?

Check out our guide on programme design.

New resources

We have continued to develop and revise our resource documents on a range of topics related to COVID-19 response.

New resources this week include:

Resources with updated with new evidence and WHO guidance this and last week include:

Want to access other resources or these resources in other languages? All our resources are available in French, Spanish and Arabic.

If you have requests or ideas for future resources, please email us at

COVID-19 response: project highlights

This week, we are sharing two case studies Rwanda and Zimbabwe. The first case study is from WaterAid Rwanda, in partnership with Radio Ishingiro, who have asked young people to write COVID-19 radio shows and have been broadcasting them across the country.

Image: Solange with her mother Emelthe and six-year-old brother Danny gather around the radio to listen to one of Solange's radio plays about hygiene and health on Radio Ishingiro. Rwanda. 2019 - Photo WaterAid/Elena Heatherwick

Our second case study is from UNHCR, Ranas and World Vision in Zimbabwe. These organisations are working together to provide hygiene promotion and increase the number of water points for the 14,500 refugees in Tongogar Refugee Camp.

Image: A World Vision field worker conducting a qualitative survey with a camp resident.


Over the last months, we have been providing a series of webinars, co-hosted with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), including:

Links to all of the webinars can be found here and will be updated with new webinars each month.

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