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Pictures and posters that can be printed or shared on social media

Astrid Hasund Thorseth avatar
Written by Astrid Hasund Thorseth
Updated over a week ago


Great infographic on safe use of common water points. (Source)

Global Handwashing Partnership

Infographic from the Global Handwashing Partnership (available here in PDF)

World Health Organisation

Mythbusting messages from the World Health Organisation, you can find more examples by following this link.

Illustrations by Mona Chalabi

Creative public health messages. More pictures available here.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Available for download here and here.

Comics for good

More comics available here.


See UNICEF India's collection of videos on hand hygiene.

Editors note:
Author: Astrid Hasund Thorseth
Reviewer: Sian White
Version date: 06.05.2020

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