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News Bulletin: 18 December 2020
News Bulletin: 18 December 2020
Lauren D'Mello-Guyett avatar
Written by Lauren D'Mello-Guyett
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the sixteenth issue of the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub News Bulletin. In this bulletin, we are sharing a round-up of what’s been happening since the launch of the Hub in April 2020. This includes a summary of our resources, technical support, project sharing, case studies, webinars and what to expect from the Hygiene Hub in 2021. If you would like to share your project or have a question for the Hub, we encourage you to contact us at

Resource articles

Over the last 9 months, the Hygiene Hub has produced over 180 technical resources in response to the frequently asked questions (FAQs) from website visitors or direct requests from our partners. We have been able to draw on a large and diverse pool of technical experts to write, review and update these resources, and ensure that these resources incorporate the latest evidence and provide relevant advice. To date, our resources have been viewed more than 64,000 times. You can find all of our resources in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

Our most-viewed resources to date include:

Technical support

Through our on-line support options or through on-going engagement with global and national partners, the Hygiene Hub has provided rapid technical support to more than 140 organisations in 60 countries.

Our enquiries have covered a range of topics related to COVID-19, including:

If you would like technical support with your organisation’s COVID-19 response programming, please email us at or use the “get technical advice” function on the Hygiene Hub website.

The Hygiene Hub’s team of technical advisers has provided in-depth, tailored support to over 50 COVID-19 response programmes among 36 local and international organisations.

Common types of in-depth support include:

  • Requests to review organisational strategies, government policies and programme plans

  • Assistance to undertake formative research and community engagement activities and to develop implementation ideas based on insights

  • Support to design communication products or strategies

  • Developing monitoring and evaluation approaches

  • Literature reviews and tailored evidence summaries

COVID-19 response: sharing projects on the interactive map

Our interactive map of COVID-19 response programmes includes information on more than 270 projects from 99 organisations in 73 different countries. The map helps to promote knowledge sharing and connections between actors, allowing users to learn more about programmes in their region and connect with other organisations. If you want to share your own COVID-19 response programmes, please click this link.

Image: Screenshot of the Hygiene Hub project map. The left-hand side of the screenshot shows information about a project implemented by Development Media International in Madagascar as an example of a typical map entry. The screenshot was taken on 25 November 2020.

COVID-19 response: sharing case studies

We have published more than 25 case studies on COVID-19 response programmes from across the world. Many more case studies are under development. At the moment, we are particularly interested to hear about programmes that incorporate advocacy, policy or sustainability components. If you are interested in sharing your work as a case study, please contact

Image: Screenshot of the case studies shared through the Hygiene Hub website.

We close 2020 with four new case studies on COVID-19 response programmes in Brazil, Tanzania, Kenya and Indonesia:

Technical webinars:

Two new webinars organised in December include:

Links to all public webinars the Hygiene Hub has contributed to or hosted can be found here and will be updated with new webinars each month.

What to expect from the Hygiene Hub in 2021:

COVID-19 cases continue to increase in many regions of the world and the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub will continue to share innovative programming and provide rapid and in-depth technical support to COVID-19 response programmes next year. We look forward to building new partnerships and working with you to leverage the current momentum around hygiene and translate this into lasting change. In January 2021, we will publish new resources on sustainability, advocacy, policy change and making the economic case for hygiene investment as well as new learning briefs on disability and inclusion and integrated programming.

Social media channels:

If you would like updates on the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub through social media, follow us on Twitter @hygiene_hub, Facebook @covid19hygienehub and LinkedIn.

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